Anti-Spam with Webmail

EvenLink's mail system analyzes all incoming mail and assigns a spam weight to each message, based on how likely the message is to be spam.  The spam weight is recorded inside each message, as part of the message header, which is normally not visible to you as you read your mail.

The EvenLink Anti-Spam Control Panel can be used to tell the EvenLink mail server to place a message classified as spam into a special spam-only mailbox, or to throw the message out altogether.  Whether or not a message is classified as spam depends both on Spam Filter Level buttons in the Anti-Spam Control Panel and on the spam weight assigned to the message by the EvenLink mail server.  Whether a message classified as spam is put into your spam-only mail box or thrown out depends on the setting of the Spam Destination buttons in the Anti-Spam Control Panel.

Before updating or changing your anti-spam setting, it is helpful to examine your current settings.

1.  Click here to to open the AntiSpam Control Panel.  

2.  Click the Read Current Settings button.  The Spam Filter Level buttons and the Spam Destination buttons will be automatically changed to match your current settings.
After viewing your current anti-spam settings, make any desired changes to the Spam Filter Level or the Spam Destination.  It is recommended that you use a Spam Filter Level of Medium when setting up your spam filter for the first time. IF the spam filter does not catch enough of your spam, then increase the Spam Filter Level to High or Very High.  If you want to turn off the spam filter, so that you receive all mail including spam, set the Spam Filter Level to Off.
3.  Click the Update Settings button to save your changes.


To check and delete the spam from your mailbox you can go to EvenLink's WebMail,

4.  Click the Spam button.  Once you are in there delete all of your messages.


Please don't forget that sometimes legitimate mail can fool the mail server and be incorrectly given a large spam weight. Throwing out all of your spam without ever checking it may result in legitimate messages being lost.

For the technically inclined, the following chart shows the Spam Weight that correspond to each Spam Filter Level setting.  If  the actual Spam Weight of a message equals or exceeds the Spam Weight determined by the Spam Filter Level setting, the message will be either be moved to your spam mail box or it will be thrown away, depending on the Spam Destination setting.

Spam Filter Level
Very Low
Very High

Spam Weight
30 or more
20 or more
10 or more
5 or more
1 or more

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