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Tip for Preventing Virus Infection
Tip #1:  Get an anti-virus program and keep it up to date.

Tip #2:  Don't open attached files you aren't expecting, even if you know the person who sent them. If in doubt, call or write the person to make sure it's a legitimate file.

Tip #3:  Don't send attached files unless it's really necessary.

Tip #4:  Don't download files from Web sites unless you're sure the site is reputable.

Tip #5:  Keep an up-to-date backup of your data files.

Tip #6:  Keep a copy nearby of your Windows setup CD and CDs for all your important programs. Also keep serial numbers and CD-keys on file in case you need to reinstall.

Tip #7:  If you are running Windows 95 or Windows 98, consider getting a copy of GoBack, which can get you out of virtually any trouble you find yourself in.

If you require any help or have any questions feel free to call our office.  We can be reached locally at 570-988-1800 in Sunbury or 717-274-3300 in Lebanon or outside the local calling area at 1-866-311-5900.  We can also be reached by email 24 hours a day at

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