When you set about making your web page, you first create the file on your home computer. After you have written it, and tested it in your browser on your computer and are satisfied with how it looks, you then upload it to the web server. Only you can upload files to your web space, because you need to provide your user name and password, to get permission to upload a file. Typically, all you need is a program that does File Transfer Protocol, or FTP. There are many FTP programs available, including some nice free ones. In the detailed steps section I'll show you how to obtain one, install it and set it up to upload your files.
If you are using a GUI program for making web pages, those programs often have the FTP capability built in. As the first part of the instructions for using Frontpage, I'll show you how to set that up. For any program to be able to use FTP to upload files to your web space you need three pieces of information: the server host name, your user name, and your password.