Setup editing layout

Okay, we have a basic HTML file now. When I'm working on a web page, I like to be able to see the results as I work. This section describes how you can set up your desktop to allow you to edit, and view the results immediately in your web browser. Setting up your desktop this way may be helpful.

First, re-size your Notepad window so that it takes up half of your screen. Position your Notepad window so it's upper left corner is in the upper left corner of your screen. Now re-size the window, by moving your mouse over the lower left corner of the window. Your pointer will change to a double-headed diagonal arrow. Click with the left mouse button and hold. Now drag the window so that it fills the left half or your desktop.

Next, open your browser and position it's left edge next to Notepad's right edge with the title bar's aligned at the top. Re-size the browser window so it fills the right half of your desktop. When you are done your desktop should look like this.